I saw something pretty disturbing on tv yesterday. It's the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution. It's a challenge to try to change eating habits in America as well as what schools feed kids. I didn't realize since I was in grade school that kids are fed Breakfast and lunch at school. I believe, when I was in high school we could pick up a snack or something in the cafeteria but I never really spent time in the lunch room other than lunch time. I'm shocked at what they were feeding kids for breakfast from the cafeteria. Giving kids at such a young age the choice of all these different flavored milks, and the lack of fruits and vegetables. The ones that were served were canned which are high in fructose syrup. Made me think about what I feed the boys in the evening.
I was always really good about what I fed Andersen as a toddler and even the twins last winter. I think it was last summer that I began changing what I made the boys. I don't tend to put much thought into what we're going to eat for dinner and when I do I stick to the same menu. Chicken, salmon, pasta, hamburgers, fishsticks, grilled cheese, pizza, Rice with Chicken and peppers, hotdogs, chicken nuggets, mac n' cheese (with tuna/chicken, and vegetables mixed in), etc. Those are typical main courses I feed the boys in our household. Each one with a fruit and or vegetable on the side. Never really put any thought into making a salad to eat on the side, which was a dinner routine for us growing up. Over the year I've gotten away from making salmon and chicken b/c there's preparation and thought I have to put in it and I've been working off of last minute ideas that I can throw together quickly. Another change is since the twins have gotten older each boy likes something different so I've stopped serving some stuff and will try to accommodate everyone.
Since watching the show I've started trying to change things up. Last night we did grilled chicken, Greek salad on the side with apple slices. Boys seem to really eat it up. Tonight I served a romaine salad for the first time. We played outside for three hours so the boys are exhausted and something fresh really seemed to hit the spot for them. Romaine lettuce with sliced cucumbers, sliced grape tomatoes, yellow and red peppers, and squeezed some fresh cut lemon to taste. I bought a dressing that I know is not over the top fattening but something the boys may enjoy, Catalina. The boys surprised me and actually ate it. Jasper wouldn't eat the cucumbers and yellow peppers. Carter wouldn't eat the tomatoes, and Andersen wouldn't eat the yellow peppers. Oh well can't please them all but whatever one wouldn't eat just gave to the other. Next as the main dish I baked some Tilapia marinated in lemon pepper. I chopped up a portabello mushroom, red peppers, yellow peppers, sliced up a lemon and squeezed it in. When done, I placed the Tilapia on a bed of rice and drizzled the lemon pepper sauce around. Boys weren't too pleased by it. Andersen ate up most of the rice, little fish, Carter's my human trash can and just ate. And Jasper took a couple of bites and said he was done. I thought it was a little bland mixed with too sweet.
Out of today's experiment I will definitely keep making a salad to add more color to the boys' diets and work on the fish. When I make salmon the boys eat it up no questions asked though I wanted to change it up and see what they'll eat. Next time I'll prepare the tilapia a bit different and see if I can get them to eat more of it. I must say I have some left overs that I can eat for dinner tomorrow and the next day! yay!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Kids' eating habits
Posted by mary at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Time's going going gone!
Nice little 7 mile run after being off for 4 days. Ugh. Ron's gone on a business trip til Friday and I've had a horrible cold which has taken my voice hostage....It's yet to be returned and being home with three boys without trying to use my voice has been challenging. I do find my Patience to be very short and limited. I've been more aggravated lately b/c I am having to repeat myself and then I start yelling. Andersen's been the most challenging since Ron's left. I believe it's been the lack of time spent with Daddy the past few weeks. Ron's work has picked up resulting in him coming home later and only having an hour to spend with the kids before he has to get on a conference call. Ron had drill a couple of weekends ago and last weekend Ron and I went away for a couple of days, something I really needed. Ron felt terrible about leaving Andersen last weekend but I think he needed a break as well. This weekend he's gone but will be back next weekend and then we go into a new month and Ron will be gone the first two weekends of April and possibly the last weekend.
That 10 miler I wanted to do is coming so fast and I'm terrified I won't be ready in time. I wanted to get in an outdoor 10 mile run before hand but I don't see it happening anytime soon and not sure if Ron's going to be in town that weekend anyways. Times are changing and time seems to be speeding up. What happened? Already heading full force into April! :?
By the way if anyone hears my voice please let it know I'm looking for it!
Posted by mary at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The day my boys went deaf
Ron left yesterday morning for a business trip in which he'll be gone for one week. Piece of cake I've done this before. Yesterday was beautiful! 60 and sunny and we spent as much time outside while Andersen kept having meltdowns (which is unusual for him) about how he wants to just go to a toy store. I explained it's going to be cold and rainy all weekend and we'll have plenty of time to go.
The day started off pretty well though I believe my kids lost their hearing while they slept last night. I was pretty set on going to the Y for a run since I've had two days off though wasn't too confident because I've had a bad cough and congestion this week. I figured it would get the kids out and they can play while I get some time to myself. Later I decided against it and decided to take the boys to a movie at noon which will cut out a nap. Naps are ok to miss here and there and since it's going to be a low key day I figured why not? Noon can't come soon enough since the boys were up around a little before 6am. I put them back in bed and went back myself. In the mean time a shoe store in the area's having a buy one get one half off plus I had a coupon for 20% off so I figured that would take up some time before the movie. Wasn't sure what time the store opened so left the house, boys bundled up, to find out that they didn't open for another hour. So I headed to Target to waste some time. We began walking around in which consisted of Andersen whining that he wanted to go to the toy section. I told him we would but lets walk around first while I kept on him about keeping up and stop laly-gaggling. Complaining and whining came along with the looking and walking around the store where he complained how tired he was of walking and his legs are so tired. "Do you want to sit in the cart since you're so tired of walking?" I asked. He snuffed and said No! His complaining just continued so I put him in the cart and took out Jasper who I knew would keep up and would listen. Andersen immediately had a LOUD meltdown something I'm not accustomed to because he's never had one in public. I kept walking and ignored his meltdown while Jasper walked along with the cart. We soon made it to the toy section and while trying to get the boys to load up again was another meltdown by Andersen who said he was really angry with me for putting him in the cart. I nodded and explained if he would have listened, kept up, and stopped complaining than he wouldn't be in the cart. Jasper stood on the outside of the cart which I was fine with since I was going slow. Andersen was still angry and decided to peel Jasper's fingers off the cart. I corrected him and told him the consequences of his actions and told him his Wii privileges were gone if he did it again. He did do it again and this time Jasper fought back with the hand that Andersen knocked off and began hitting Andersen in the head which resulted in Andersen yelling to stop. I told Jasper not to ride on the cart and Andersen lost Wii time which again Andersen had another crying loud meltdown.
It was time for the shoe store to open and we were first in the door. Normally the boys listen well and any time I've done shoe shopping they sit after the first time I tell them to. Instead I became the broken record. With my cold and congestion has come a lack of a voice and I said sit down, while pointing to where they needed to be, once, twice, three times, four times. Andersen sat where he wanted and talked back getting louder as I became louder and his brothers were dancing around jumping climbing, knocking shoes off shelves, and opening boxes..Total chaos. I had no control and I couldn't talk as the store clerk just stared at my out-of-control children and I like fools. Finally got them to sit and then found nothing. On the way out Carter was trying to pull shoes off the shelves and I shuffled hands and tried to put shoes back up on shelves. It was awful and I was done.
Next stop was the grocery store which went pretty well until we checked out. The boys began poking each other in the eyes, pinching each other's cheeks, and hitting each other while the checkout lady was trying to ask me questions. Stop it! Stop IT! STOP IT! I said and was pulling them off each other. They laughed and kept on. I was infuriated by now and when we were checked out I stormed to the car and balled each of the boys out. Upon arriving at home Andersen asked if he could play in the basement with his trains. I knew he wanted to play the Wii so I took the Wii console out and said yes. Since becoming a stay at home mom I've found that I've become an emotional eater so I ate while the boys played in the basement. While they played in the basement there was a lot of crying and screaming due to fights over toys and toys being thrown. I ran up and down the stairs to correct behavior and nurture whom ever was hurt.
Later, when the boys awoke from their naps I planned to put clothes away and clean. I separated piles for each boy to put away and would call them in to get more because once they were out of my sight they would start laughing and playing and I didn't see them. I was up and down while trying to complete folding my husband and my clothes due to Carter and Jasper locking the doors which made it impossible for Andersen to put his clothes away. I didn't mind them playing for a bit so in the meantime I put Ron's and my clothes away and began to clean the master bathroom. I went to get the boys to find clothes thrown around in the twins room, Andersen whining because he had surprisingly and unusually pooped his pants, and Carter was drinking out of the toilet. I yelled at Carter, put Andersen on the toilet, and made Jasper and Carter pick their clothes up. I then marched them into my bedroom and back to theirs to put another handful of clothes away. A few other things happened which ended in me yelling a whole lot of nothing since I can't talk while the boys gave me blank stares and I finished up my cleaning. We soon went downstairs and began putting toys away which resulted in a lot of 1/3rd putting toys away and 2/3rds of the boys taking toys out. I gave the 1/3rd a glass of chocolate milk for doing as I asked and the other2/3rds screamed and cried after I had explained to them that if they clean their toys than they'll get a glass of chocolate milk. 7 o'clock couldn't come soon enough.
After dinner I let the boys watch a movie and a quarter after seven began the night time routine. Had meds, toothbrushes, humidifiers, and PJs ready. Went to change Carter's diaper to find he had an acidic poop which caused his butt to be red. Right as I was walking away from Carter Jasper came over and knelt down by Carter and was looking at Carter's butt as he repeated "ouch, red, and hurt!" While I searched for the desitin which I could not find. Everything's hard to find due to the boys constantly getting into things and misplacing items it could happen in a moment of turning the head or thinking something's safe in one place to find it in the toy box the next day! WTH? I was in the kitchen, where we kept it, and when I had glanced into the living room Jasper had the Vick's jar open, Vicks on his hand and was about to apply it to Carter's butt. "No!" I yelled with whatever voice I had left. Jasper stopped and began saying "I help mama! I help!" With that I ran to wash Jasper's hands. Jasper's the child who's always trying to help. He had the right idea though unfortunately the wrong stuff to put on the butt. This night couldn't be over soon enough. Finally got the boys down after fights about brushing teeth. I always like to brush and then let them. Tonight Jasper "Mr. Helpful Independent" was fighting me because he wanted to do it with NO help.
Before putting the boys to bed I gave them a pep talk and told them what I expect from them tomorrow and lets have a better day. Hopefully they heard that and sometime throughout the night they get their hearing back. Tomorrow I plan to run on the treadmill to relieve some of today's stress and calories.
Posted by mary at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Three Years Later
Today's Ron and my 3 year wedding anniversary. I know 3 years are nothing though we've been together for over 7 years. 7 years ago I found my soulmate and the love of my life. We connected in ways I never thought were possible and even til today we finish each others thoughts and sentences. Some days Ron will come home and say something that I was wanting or thinking about. We have such a profound and deep connection I can't ever see my life without him. You hear those stories about couples who have found their other half and knew it right away. I knew it almost immediately after our first date though shielded myself due to the different places we were in our lives at that time but definitely wasn't going to let him go.
We do get mixed up in our current day job and the kids definitely mix it up but do seem to find that person we first met with a simple kiss, look, or touch. Though we were in different places when we first met I wouldn't change anything because we did have to struggle and it made us stronger.
Every year I spend with Ron my love for him grows more and I adore and cherish him more with each year. We learn something new about each other and we change together. I look forward to many more years with him.
Posted by mary at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Nice little 7 mile run this morning. Makes up for yesterday.
Posted by mary at 5:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Just what the title says is pretty much how the day went. Didn't feel like getting up early due to the hour forward so thought going running while Andersen was in school would be my best bet. Plus stayed up a little later than I would have because Ron was working so late. Wanted to wait up for him. Andersen immediately woke up limping and complaining how he didn't want to go to school because his leg hurt, the twins were crabby and whinny. Everyone came downstairs in such rotten moods that I sent everyone back to bed and told them to come out when they're ready to wake up in better moods. I made breakfast while everyone cried their ways back to bed. Ron was getting ready for work and came out in the hallway baffled by all the crying. This is something we do in our household when the kids are having a crabby morning. Doesn't happen very often but....
Once everyone was fed, dressed, and we were on the road to school I thought the morning would improve. Nope.. Andersen really didn't want to go to school which has become routine crying and complaining over the past month in which we, as parents, don't know why he doesn't want to go and when I've asked his teacher she says he's such a happy boy in school and doesn't know why he would say such a thing. After dropping Andersen at school I attempted to drop Jasper and Carter off at the 'Mazing Kids at the Y but for the first time it was unsuccessful. Carter screamed and cried once he realized I was leaving and because he was crying, walking around with his jacket, and trying to leave out the gate, Jasper was attempting to do so as well. I looked at the staff for help but none of them looked as if their Monday was getting off to a great start either. Finally one lady came and pulled Carter away so I could leave.
My run was awful. Started off as usual and just no motivation to continue. I pushed myself two and a half miles and walked for a quarter mile. Ran some more and reached three and a half and figured the hell with this. Not motivated and couldn't erase the image of Carter crying. Couldn't shake his crying for me, something I've never really had issues with because I don't tend to feel guilty when my kids cry for me but this particular day I did due to Ron and I being away for the weekend. I felt guilty because after not seeing them all weekend here I was dropping them off with some strangers. Guilt.... Stopped, wiped my machine and went to go weigh myself. Down another two pounds! Yay! Go me!
Upon returning to the 'Mazing Kids I found Carter and Jasper playing nicely while wearing their jackets. They were ready to go! The staff explained that Carter was ok once I left, which was reassuring, but neither would take their jackets off. The boys and I went home so I can get ready for the day and went and picked up Andersen.
Later took Andersen to his Science class at the Y received some bad news which totally threw my day off even more. Normally I'll run while the boys sleep though today I had too much research and many phone calls to make. Didn't accomplish anything I wanted to. Bags in our bedrooms are still full of clothes and the dryer still has the second load that I wanted to get folded and put away. Kitchen floor needed another mopping and the garbage needed to be taken out. Instead I sat on the computer and phone most of the afternoon oh, and watched a DVR'd show to get my mind off of things. Was not motivated to clean... Finally received some good news a quarter to five around the time the boys woke up in great moods and the storm clouds outside were clearing. The blue sky was beautiful to see since all we've seen is storm clouds and rain the past few days. What a great end to the day. I packed the boys up and we went for a drive to enjoy the beautiful weather and to scope out Andersen's new school.
Posted by mary at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Balancing my Time
Went for a 5 mile run outside this morning. Really miss running outside though I find that I tend to go slower or want to quit. Thank God I'm running with a friend so I will make myself keep up. Running's not as easy as it once was in my early 20s. I use to love to run outside. Now I "Q" the faithful treadmill up and let it keep me going. Ran on our treadmill while the kids are napping and while I was running I was thinking of all the things I wanted to complete and that maybe I should prioritize better. I do love getting in an extra short run in the afternoon but with that is the need to cool down, shower, and regroup.
I thought about the packing..though, my clothes are in the dryer so it's ok to run...The kitchen floor that's screaming at me to mop it because the oatmeal the boys had the last couple of days is growing roots and latching onto it's so beautiful surface. I can hear the dishwasher saying something but it's mouth is so full of clean dishes I can't seem to make it out. So I turn the T.V. up louder while I run so I can't hear it. The toys on the living room floor and the jackets that were thrown on the floor when the boys raced to the kitchen to eat lunch after all the errands this morning. The book that I've been wanting to finish how it glares at me with it's return date printed on a receipt that lingers in the cover snarling, "hurry you're going to run out of time and I'm going to be late to go back to the library..."
I paused breifly to look around the livingroom listening to the chuckling of the dryer and think I should really start instead of typing a blog. The kids should be up soon and I can still accomplish so much instead of waiting for them to wake up and think that I can motivate them to help when I can hardly find the motivation myself......So I'll leave you with this and go do my chores...
Posted by mary at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Finding Bestfriends in our Siblings
We've had a couple of playdates at Monkey Joe's recently. The norm is Andersen takes off running around with his friend that we're there with and Jasper and Carter go in their own directions but since the long break from MJ's something's happened. The boys have bonded and when we do go they run and play together. Where Andersen goes his brothers follow and Andersen's not pushing and yelling at them to go away or leave him alone. While Andersen plays and jumps he doesn't just do it alone or with a school friend while we are having a playdate. He actually prefers to play with his brothers over a friend. I was quite shocked to learn this earlier in the week when we had a playdate with a friend in which he's known the last two years. Part of me felt bad because he ditched his friend but another part of me was really happy to see the boys play and actually have fun together instead of someone crying because so and so hit or pushed so and so. At times like this and watching the boys get older I'm really enjoying this part of my job. They're becoming bestfriends and they stick together.
Posted by mary at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Morning Run
I decided to run while Andersen was in school vs. getting up at 4am. So I dropped the twins off at the kids club at the Y and began my journey on the treadmill. Today I was determined to run 10 miles. I got to thinking last night as I researched the lakefront 10 mile run that a friend of mine was going to do which takes place in April. She's ran Iron Man triatholons and tons of other races in her time. I've gone back and forth about running the 10 miler and a different friend made a point about running races. What's the point of doing all that training to pay to run in a race? Why not just do it for your own health or because you enjoy it? I do do it for my health, to stay in shape, and because I do enjoy running. Well not really..I do it for the endorphin rush I have when I've completed my run. If I can wake up each day and have that rush, life would be good. Instead I pop Motrin for my knees and run to get my morning rush. I was thinking maybe running races for people is an endorphin rush in it's own? Possibly running the 10 miler may open up a whole other great rush?
Since I heard my friend say why do people run races I began to ask why I wanted to run in the 10miler. I've found throughout the last couple years is I really dislike commitments to events that may interfere with my weekends with my family. Of course I know I can run a 5, 10 mile race even a half marathon. I revised the course and was thinking since a friend of mine is running it than why not? I'm always up to try new things and this is new. Would I ever try it on my own not knowing what to expect or happen? Yes for most things, but a big race, of course not. So I've decided as of last night that YES I'm going to run it.
Posted by mary at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Chores at any age
I'm a firm believer in chores and giving kids responsibilities. My oldest, Andersen has been putting his clothes away since he was a year and a half. Some have asked how do you do that? Well most kids at a young age enjoy helping their parents so I took advantage of it. His dresser's designed to where he has easy access to all of the drawers so it was simply teaching where what goes. Since he has such easy access to his clothes he would go in and mess up all the folded clothes so I stopped folding and made piles, i.e. long sleeves/short sleeves/pants and so forth. He would work on one pile at a time and put his clothes away. I've done the same with Jasper and Carter. I started much later with them because trying to get them both to pay attention and do it at a year and a half was impossible. The difference with the twins dresser is they only have access to the lower three drawers which is the long sleeve shirts and pants. Once the weather gets warm I'll be putting the shorts and short sleeve shirts in the bottom drawers. Jasper's my little helper like Andersen was so he's wanting to do what Andersen's doing on laundry days.. Carter on the other hand can care less and I have to push him a little more to complete the task at hand. I'm confident that Carter knows where his long sleeves shirts and pants go but I think he doesn't care and wants to just get it done. Carter has what I call "Lazy-man syndrome". If you'll do it for him he'll allow it even though he knows what he should be doing. He's the tester of the three i.e. he'll put his pants in his shirt drawer and then charmingly look at me and smile to see what I'll say or do.
This afternoon was a bit time consuming while putting clothes away. Jasper knows where the clothes go so he does what he should be doing and even showed Carter where the pants and shirts go. When I went and checked I noticed Carter put the clothes he was assigned in whatever drawer he opened first which was the shorts drawer at eye level for him. I had him take the clothes out and put them in the correct spot which took forever b/c he just wanted to get it done and over with. There was a last piece of clothing out of place, a shirt in the pants drawer. He stared at the shirt for a long time as if trying to figure out which doesn't belong. I pointed out the shirt and asked if it belonged with the pants? "Noooo." he responded as he picked it up with a pair of pants. He went ahead and put both clothing items in the shirt drawer. Trying to encourage him to fix the issue took a little longer than I would have expected but over all the task was completed and without me having to do it just to get it done. He figured it out and did it himself which was followed with clapping and telling him what a good job. Once the drawers were closed I asked where the shirt drawer was. And he pointed while saying shirt. Then asked where the pants drawer was. He pointed to the correct drawer again and said pants.
If I can encourage my kids to learn something and gain some sort of knowledge each day than I feel I'm accomplishing something and benefiting the boys.
Posted by mary at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
What's with the title?
Now that I've covered the story of my family what's with the "Messy and Run" in the title?
Since having young multiple boys I find there's always a mess. It's like shoveling snow when the snow's coming down as quickly as I'm shovelling. As quickly as I try to clean up toys or have the boys clean up toys at least one child is doing he opposite. I have come to really dislike toys with multiple pieces because I can't keep them together without being a complete controller of where they can play and with what. We have a the wooden train set and for awhile I was really good about keeping them in the basement where the boys would build and play with their trains but the older the twins have gotten the more the trains seem to make their way into my car or out of the basement.
I've also found with multiple kids eating's an absolute disaster all the time. I find food in the craziest places. When the boys are eating dinner I'm typically cleaning up the toys in the living room or busy with something. It's rare in our house that we all sit down together as a family for dinner. My husband's not home til later and I'm trying to make sure he doesn't walk into a complete mess. Anyone who has multiple boys or even kids in general when the adult walks out of the room the boys will start laughing and playing. By playing I mean throwing food, taking each other's food, pushing their plates/cups across the table (which causes spills), throwing or hitting with their spoon or fork, or knocking into each other. It never fails. My car's filled with crumbs, food, spilled drinks, toys, wrappers, kids clothes, etc. Mess drives my husband nuts, I, on the other hand has come to realize it's so out of my control and to go with it. I think having three boys so close in age I've learned to relinquish control and just go with the flow. With relinquishing control I can enjoy the time I have with them and savor the sanity I still have.
Not only are the boys and I constantly on the run with school, classes, sports, and trying to keep them busy I do enjoy running. Running's a love/hate relationship for me. The only time I can find to run is early in the morning while everyone's still sleeping. Yes it makes for a long and tiring day but it's the endorphin rush and stress relief I get from it. It's my escape each day at 5am (when the gym opens). Yes, I run on a treadmill each day. I know....Treadmill, dreadmill, boring. I use to enjoy running outside while I was in the military but stopped running when I had left. After having kids I felt it was easier at a gym where I can control the pace and miles plus I can throw in some weight training afterwards. I stay motivated with changing up my music. We recently purchased a treadmill for our home and have taken advantage of it when the boys are napping. I run and catch up on the shows I have DVR'd. Plus I don't have to push myself so hard in the morning. I can break up my run into two and get extra miles in the day. Today because we have a playdate scheduled right after I pick Andersen up from school I ran my full ten miles this morning. I even surprised myself with getting it done within the time I accomplished it. I only have an hour and a half each morning to do what I need to at the gym and get home before my husband leaves for work. I completed my ten and still had time to get in some weight training. I think because I changed up my routine by running outside the last couple of days I went to the gym extra motivated and my legs were like leaping gazelles on the treadmill. Well, gotta Run! =)
Posted by mary at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
First Blog: Introduction
My name is Mary and I am a stay at home mom to three young boys. My oldest is Andersen who's four followed by his identical twin brothers Carter and Jasper who are 2. Age gap is 26 months apart and let me tell you it's been a long 2 years. Andersen's first two years were wonderfully spent in Texas but we relocated by chance to the Chicago land area shortly after Jasper and Carter were born. As a family living in Texas we did everything together and Andersen was such a joyful and easy child to take any where and do anything with. He was sleeping through the night by five weeks, was walking by nine and a half months, and everyone seemed to adore him as much as we did as parents. Little did we know what we were in for when we got pregnant again. I became a stay at home mom when I was thirty-two weeks along with Jasper and Carter which was wonderful because I was able to spend the last month of my pregnancy focusing and giving Andersen lots of attention before his brothers arrived. Our twins are wonderful in their own right. We had them sleeping through the night by ten weeks and they were walking by 11 months. They are very good but can be challenging if we want to go out to eat or go to local family events. We, as parents, are out numbered and they know it so they are always testing the boundaries.
The first winter in Illinois was 2008 and let me tell ya it was a long one. We stayed inside most of the winter because neither my husband nor I felt comfortable taking the babies out in it. Every time it would start to warm up the -20 degree weather would hit. It was definitely an adjustment from warm sunny Texas and even though Jasper and Carter were three to six months old I was fearful of them getting sick. Once it began warming up I was finally able to start practicing taking the three boys out by myself. It wasn't an easy task considering Jasper and Carter were still in carriers and had major spit up issues up to nearly ten months old. I was having to carry multiple sets of clothes for the twins if that gives you an indication of how bad the spit up issues were. We had tried every formula under the sun and they were even on medicine but it was something that would cure itself over time. I began practicing going shopping with the boys, whether or not I had to buy anything I would just get out and Andersen had to learn to have to walk and stay with me. Long gone were the days where Andersen would be able to ride in a cart since the cart had two baby carriers. When the boys were getting too heavy to carry in their carriers I began just using the stroller and whatever I could fit in the bottom of the stroller we would buy and I would have to prioritize what we needed at the time. Why didn't I just do the shopping when my husband came home may be a good question? Because with multiple young kids it was very draining and exhausting. Once 5pm came, the dinner, clean-up, changing, and bedding down process had started. I would just try to accomplish anything I could throughout the day plus it got the boys out and about because it still was too cold and or snow lingering to go to parks.
Once it was warm enough to go to parks I would keep Jasper and Carter in the stroller while I ran around and played with Andersen. They were happy babies. They would watch and laugh at each other or Andersen and I as we ran around. Or I would put them in the swings at the park, which they loved, and let them swing while Andersen and I ran and played. Some may ask and maybe it would have benefited the twins to be out crawling and exploring at the park but I couldn't keep both of them from putting wood chips or anything else in their mouths while keeping a close eye on Andersen. Even though Andersen was still two he learned to do things on his own and I couldn't always be there as most new moms are while kids are climbing and playing on park equipment. I always kept a close eye on him but he had to learn to climb and do things on his own. I felt much guilt because I couldn't give him the attention he needed and deserved but he was a very good two year old and listened very well. During this time Andersen was potty training which also took it's tole on all of us while trying to get the boys out and about and keep my sanity in check. My husband and I did do special days with Andersen, either alone or the three of us while my Mom watched Jasper and Carter. We went on Andersen's first train ride into the city of Chicago and even went to an amusement park where Andersen loved riding on roller coasters and various rides. Closer to the end of summer I was letting Jasper and Carter out of the stroller and swing to get out and explore. They were nearly walking and Andersen was nearly three and his motor skills were so much better by then to where I felt confident he could run and play on his own without me having to keep such a close watch over him. I was able to give the twins more attention and help to develop them.
The first year was definitely the most challenging. I need to give Andersen as much credit as possible for the patience he had with me and his new brothers. It was a huge adjustment for him. He had not just one new baby brother but two. He adjusted to having to share the attention he once had from us and everyone. Having twins we get stopped often as passer-byers admire the twins while Andersen stands in the background in which I will always make notice of what a great help their big brother Andersen is. We took him out of the environment he once knew and put him in a smaller home and in an environment where we couldn't get outside to play as we did in Texas. He was such a big help from fetching diapers and helping to feed his brothers. He was playful with them at times though I think somewhat resentful towards them. He has been and still is a big trooper and all three of them have become bestfriends and love to play together.
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