Today's Ron and my 3 year wedding anniversary. I know 3 years are nothing though we've been together for over 7 years. 7 years ago I found my soulmate and the love of my life. We connected in ways I never thought were possible and even til today we finish each others thoughts and sentences. Some days Ron will come home and say something that I was wanting or thinking about. We have such a profound and deep connection I can't ever see my life without him. You hear those stories about couples who have found their other half and knew it right away. I knew it almost immediately after our first date though shielded myself due to the different places we were in our lives at that time but definitely wasn't going to let him go.
We do get mixed up in our current day job and the kids definitely mix it up but do seem to find that person we first met with a simple kiss, look, or touch. Though we were in different places when we first met I wouldn't change anything because we did have to struggle and it made us stronger.
Every year I spend with Ron my love for him grows more and I adore and cherish him more with each year. We learn something new about each other and we change together. I look forward to many more years with him.
Spindle Tree 5K Park Run
9 hours ago
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