? ??????????????Michael Jacson Tribute? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (12 Ratings)??443 Grabs Today. 4891 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????1?? ?????????????????Skulls Splatter Burst? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (10 Ratings)??1016 Grabs Today. 9485 Total Grabs. ??????Preview BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, March 15, 2010


Just what the title says is pretty much how the day went. Didn't feel like getting up early due to the hour forward so thought going running while Andersen was in school would be my best bet. Plus stayed up a little later than I would have because Ron was working so late. Wanted to wait up for him. Andersen immediately woke up limping and complaining how he didn't want to go to school because his leg hurt, the twins were crabby and whinny. Everyone came downstairs in such rotten moods that I sent everyone back to bed and told them to come out when they're ready to wake up in better moods. I made breakfast while everyone cried their ways back to bed. Ron was getting ready for work and came out in the hallway baffled by all the crying. This is something we do in our household when the kids are having a crabby morning. Doesn't happen very often but....

Once everyone was fed, dressed, and we were on the road to school I thought the morning would improve. Nope.. Andersen really didn't want to go to school which has become routine crying and complaining over the past month in which we, as parents, don't know why he doesn't want to go and when I've asked his teacher she says he's such a happy boy in school and doesn't know why he would say such a thing. After dropping Andersen at school I attempted to drop Jasper and Carter off at the 'Mazing Kids at the Y but for the first time it was unsuccessful. Carter screamed and cried once he realized I was leaving and because he was crying, walking around with his jacket, and trying to leave out the gate, Jasper was attempting to do so as well. I looked at the staff for help but none of them looked as if their Monday was getting off to a great start either. Finally one lady came and pulled Carter away so I could leave.

My run was awful. Started off as usual and just no motivation to continue. I pushed myself two and a half miles and walked for a quarter mile. Ran some more and reached three and a half and figured the hell with this. Not motivated and couldn't erase the image of Carter crying. Couldn't shake his crying for me, something I've never really had issues with because I don't tend to feel guilty when my kids cry for me but this particular day I did due to Ron and I being away for the weekend. I felt guilty because after not seeing them all weekend here I was dropping them off with some strangers. Guilt.... Stopped, wiped my machine and went to go weigh myself. Down another two pounds! Yay! Go me!

Upon returning to the 'Mazing Kids I found Carter and Jasper playing nicely while wearing their jackets. They were ready to go! The staff explained that Carter was ok once I left, which was reassuring, but neither would take their jackets off. The boys and I went home so I can get ready for the day and went and picked up Andersen.

Later took Andersen to his Science class at the Y received some bad news which totally threw my day off even more. Normally I'll run while the boys sleep though today I had too much research and many phone calls to make. Didn't accomplish anything I wanted to. Bags in our bedrooms are still full of clothes and the dryer still has the second load that I wanted to get folded and put away. Kitchen floor needed another mopping and the garbage needed to be taken out. Instead I sat on the computer and phone most of the afternoon oh, and watched a DVR'd show to get my mind off of things. Was not motivated to clean... Finally received some good news a quarter to five around the time the boys woke up in great moods and the storm clouds outside were clearing. The blue sky was beautiful to see since all we've seen is storm clouds and rain the past few days. What a great end to the day. I packed the boys up and we went for a drive to enjoy the beautiful weather and to scope out Andersen's new school.