Nice little 7 mile run after being off for 4 days. Ugh. Ron's gone on a business trip til Friday and I've had a horrible cold which has taken my voice hostage....It's yet to be returned and being home with three boys without trying to use my voice has been challenging. I do find my Patience to be very short and limited. I've been more aggravated lately b/c I am having to repeat myself and then I start yelling. Andersen's been the most challenging since Ron's left. I believe it's been the lack of time spent with Daddy the past few weeks. Ron's work has picked up resulting in him coming home later and only having an hour to spend with the kids before he has to get on a conference call. Ron had drill a couple of weekends ago and last weekend Ron and I went away for a couple of days, something I really needed. Ron felt terrible about leaving Andersen last weekend but I think he needed a break as well. This weekend he's gone but will be back next weekend and then we go into a new month and Ron will be gone the first two weekends of April and possibly the last weekend.
That 10 miler I wanted to do is coming so fast and I'm terrified I won't be ready in time. I wanted to get in an outdoor 10 mile run before hand but I don't see it happening anytime soon and not sure if Ron's going to be in town that weekend anyways. Times are changing and time seems to be speeding up. What happened? Already heading full force into April! :?
By the way if anyone hears my voice please let it know I'm looking for it!
Spindle Tree 5K Park Run
8 hours ago
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