Now that I've covered the story of my family what's with the "Messy and Run" in the title?
Since having young multiple boys I find there's always a mess. It's like shoveling snow when the snow's coming down as quickly as I'm shovelling. As quickly as I try to clean up toys or have the boys clean up toys at least one child is doing he opposite. I have come to really dislike toys with multiple pieces because I can't keep them together without being a complete controller of where they can play and with what. We have a the wooden train set and for awhile I was really good about keeping them in the basement where the boys would build and play with their trains but the older the twins have gotten the more the trains seem to make their way into my car or out of the basement.
I've also found with multiple kids eating's an absolute disaster all the time. I find food in the craziest places. When the boys are eating dinner I'm typically cleaning up the toys in the living room or busy with something. It's rare in our house that we all sit down together as a family for dinner. My husband's not home til later and I'm trying to make sure he doesn't walk into a complete mess. Anyone who has multiple boys or even kids in general when the adult walks out of the room the boys will start laughing and playing. By playing I mean throwing food, taking each other's food, pushing their plates/cups across the table (which causes spills), throwing or hitting with their spoon or fork, or knocking into each other. It never fails. My car's filled with crumbs, food, spilled drinks, toys, wrappers, kids clothes, etc. Mess drives my husband nuts, I, on the other hand has come to realize it's so out of my control and to go with it. I think having three boys so close in age I've learned to relinquish control and just go with the flow. With relinquishing control I can enjoy the time I have with them and savor the sanity I still have.
Not only are the boys and I constantly on the run with school, classes, sports, and trying to keep them busy I do enjoy running. Running's a love/hate relationship for me. The only time I can find to run is early in the morning while everyone's still sleeping. Yes it makes for a long and tiring day but it's the endorphin rush and stress relief I get from it. It's my escape each day at 5am (when the gym opens). Yes, I run on a treadmill each day. I know....Treadmill, dreadmill, boring. I use to enjoy running outside while I was in the military but stopped running when I had left. After having kids I felt it was easier at a gym where I can control the pace and miles plus I can throw in some weight training afterwards. I stay motivated with changing up my music. We recently purchased a treadmill for our home and have taken advantage of it when the boys are napping. I run and catch up on the shows I have DVR'd. Plus I don't have to push myself so hard in the morning. I can break up my run into two and get extra miles in the day. Today because we have a playdate scheduled right after I pick Andersen up from school I ran my full ten miles this morning. I even surprised myself with getting it done within the time I accomplished it. I only have an hour and a half each morning to do what I need to at the gym and get home before my husband leaves for work. I completed my ten and still had time to get in some weight training. I think because I changed up my routine by running outside the last couple of days I went to the gym extra motivated and my legs were like leaping gazelles on the treadmill. Well, gotta Run! =)
Spindle Tree 5K Park Run
8 hours ago
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