I decided to run while Andersen was in school vs. getting up at 4am. So I dropped the twins off at the kids club at the Y and began my journey on the treadmill. Today I was determined to run 10 miles. I got to thinking last night as I researched the lakefront 10 mile run that a friend of mine was going to do which takes place in April. She's ran Iron Man triatholons and tons of other races in her time. I've gone back and forth about running the 10 miler and a different friend made a point about running races. What's the point of doing all that training to pay to run in a race? Why not just do it for your own health or because you enjoy it? I do do it for my health, to stay in shape, and because I do enjoy running. Well not really..I do it for the endorphin rush I have when I've completed my run. If I can wake up each day and have that rush, life would be good. Instead I pop Motrin for my knees and run to get my morning rush. I was thinking maybe running races for people is an endorphin rush in it's own? Possibly running the 10 miler may open up a whole other great rush?
Since I heard my friend say why do people run races I began to ask why I wanted to run in the 10miler. I've found throughout the last couple years is I really dislike commitments to events that may interfere with my weekends with my family. Of course I know I can run a 5, 10 mile race even a half marathon. I revised the course and was thinking since a friend of mine is running it than why not? I'm always up to try new things and this is new. Would I ever try it on my own not knowing what to expect or happen? Yes for most things, but a big race, of course not. So I've decided as of last night that YES I'm going to run it.
Spindle Tree 5K Park Run
8 hours ago
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