My name is Mary and I am a stay at home mom to three young boys. My oldest is Andersen who's four followed by his identical twin brothers Carter and Jasper who are 2. Age gap is 26 months apart and let me tell you it's been a long 2 years. Andersen's first two years were wonderfully spent in Texas but we relocated by chance to the Chicago land area shortly after Jasper and Carter were born. As a family living in Texas we did everything together and Andersen was such a joyful and easy child to take any where and do anything with. He was sleeping through the night by five weeks, was walking by nine and a half months, and everyone seemed to adore him as much as we did as parents. Little did we know what we were in for when we got pregnant again. I became a stay at home mom when I was thirty-two weeks along with Jasper and Carter which was wonderful because I was able to spend the last month of my pregnancy focusing and giving Andersen lots of attention before his brothers arrived. Our twins are wonderful in their own right. We had them sleeping through the night by ten weeks and they were walking by 11 months. They are very good but can be challenging if we want to go out to eat or go to local family events. We, as parents, are out numbered and they know it so they are always testing the boundaries.
The first winter in Illinois was 2008 and let me tell ya it was a long one. We stayed inside most of the winter because neither my husband nor I felt comfortable taking the babies out in it. Every time it would start to warm up the -20 degree weather would hit. It was definitely an adjustment from warm sunny Texas and even though Jasper and Carter were three to six months old I was fearful of them getting sick. Once it began warming up I was finally able to start practicing taking the three boys out by myself. It wasn't an easy task considering Jasper and Carter were still in carriers and had major spit up issues up to nearly ten months old. I was having to carry multiple sets of clothes for the twins if that gives you an indication of how bad the spit up issues were. We had tried every formula under the sun and they were even on medicine but it was something that would cure itself over time. I began practicing going shopping with the boys, whether or not I had to buy anything I would just get out and Andersen had to learn to have to walk and stay with me. Long gone were the days where Andersen would be able to ride in a cart since the cart had two baby carriers. When the boys were getting too heavy to carry in their carriers I began just using the stroller and whatever I could fit in the bottom of the stroller we would buy and I would have to prioritize what we needed at the time. Why didn't I just do the shopping when my husband came home may be a good question? Because with multiple young kids it was very draining and exhausting. Once 5pm came, the dinner, clean-up, changing, and bedding down process had started. I would just try to accomplish anything I could throughout the day plus it got the boys out and about because it still was too cold and or snow lingering to go to parks.
Once it was warm enough to go to parks I would keep Jasper and Carter in the stroller while I ran around and played with Andersen. They were happy babies. They would watch and laugh at each other or Andersen and I as we ran around. Or I would put them in the swings at the park, which they loved, and let them swing while Andersen and I ran and played. Some may ask and maybe it would have benefited the twins to be out crawling and exploring at the park but I couldn't keep both of them from putting wood chips or anything else in their mouths while keeping a close eye on Andersen. Even though Andersen was still two he learned to do things on his own and I couldn't always be there as most new moms are while kids are climbing and playing on park equipment. I always kept a close eye on him but he had to learn to climb and do things on his own. I felt much guilt because I couldn't give him the attention he needed and deserved but he was a very good two year old and listened very well. During this time Andersen was potty training which also took it's tole on all of us while trying to get the boys out and about and keep my sanity in check. My husband and I did do special days with Andersen, either alone or the three of us while my Mom watched Jasper and Carter. We went on Andersen's first train ride into the city of Chicago and even went to an amusement park where Andersen loved riding on roller coasters and various rides. Closer to the end of summer I was letting Jasper and Carter out of the stroller and swing to get out and explore. They were nearly walking and Andersen was nearly three and his motor skills were so much better by then to where I felt confident he could run and play on his own without me having to keep such a close watch over him. I was able to give the twins more attention and help to develop them.
The first year was definitely the most challenging. I need to give Andersen as much credit as possible for the patience he had with me and his new brothers. It was a huge adjustment for him. He had not just one new baby brother but two. He adjusted to having to share the attention he once had from us and everyone. Having twins we get stopped often as passer-byers admire the twins while Andersen stands in the background in which I will always make notice of what a great help their big brother Andersen is. We took him out of the environment he once knew and put him in a smaller home and in an environment where we couldn't get outside to play as we did in Texas. He was such a big help from fetching diapers and helping to feed his brothers. He was playful with them at times though I think somewhat resentful towards them. He has been and still is a big trooper and all three of them have become bestfriends and love to play together.
Spindle Tree 5K Park Run
8 hours ago
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