? ??????????????Michael Jacson Tribute? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (12 Ratings)??443 Grabs Today. 4891 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????1?? ?????????????????Skulls Splatter Burst? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (10 Ratings)??1016 Grabs Today. 9485 Total Grabs. ??????Preview BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lakefront 10 miler

Ok, I've heard I'm crazy that my first race was a 16K. Normal people start off with a 5K or 10K. I guess I look at it as if you can easily run 10 miles than why not just do it? And I want to thank my friend for asking me to run it. Ron says why pay to run 10 miles when you can do it for free but this was an awesome experience and I would love to do it again! Great run downtown Chicago. Wish the weather was a little nicer i.e. some sunshine. Race weather was a cool 50s and of course windy and overcast though the rain seemed to hold off.

As seen in the picture below I was very pumped I had been up early. This picture was taken at 4:30am by my husband Ron who wasn't happy with me waking him up to take a picture. =)

Upon arriving to the start I studied what others were wearing. When we went to pick up our packet it was really windy and cold. I was wearing my longsleeve shirt with shorts and could barely stand the wind. The toughest decision for me as I studied the apparel of the other participants was whether to wear my long sleeve shirt. I was so excited about the run I went out and bought a bright pink shirt with the logo RUN across it as seen above. I didn't want to cover it up. The new shirt's thin and hardly a tech shirt. Wasn't sure if it was going to keep me warm enough or was I going to regret wearing my warm long sleeve shirt. Of course I could have taken the long sleeve off and wrapped it around my waist but I'm all about the less baggage the better. Had one bathroom break a little after I passed the 6 mile marker and my right knee bothered me a little after the 7 mile marker but held through to the end. I had bought and worn a hat which I never do just in case if it rained. Mile 7/8 I was regretting wearing it. My head was so hot I wanted to just throw the cap off to the side. I finished with a strong sprint which meant I could have pushed myself harder on the last mile instead of reserving my energy.

The group that we went downtown with. Great group of people who I just recently met but my friend Amanda's known for years. I was the only one who brought a camara to take a picture of all of us.

Overall an excellent first race and start to the weekend! Looking forward to my first half marathon!

Friday, April 23, 2010

First race..10 mile no sweat!

Excited! Excited! Excited! And yet deep down nervous! Nervous! Nervous! My emotions can't figure out what to feel. It's not the 10 miles that make me nervous. 10 miles no sweat for me...but cold, rain, knee, not sure how much I can carry with me i.e. ipod etc., and the total unexpected that makes me nervous!

The Lake Front 10 mile run. What better race can one sign up for especially for a first race? Beautiful downtown Chicago, lake front, flat land, hundreds of people and the best part it's in the spring. Not too hot nor too cold....well that's what I thought. Rain, thunderstorms, 50 degree weather. So I loaded my Ipod with lots of new music. I'll be running with a group of friends but I just want to have a fall back safety of music for a burst of energy. And for those people who ask how can I run on a treadmill for 5-10 miles, it's simply music. As long as my Ipod's loaded with good new music I can run forever.

My new favorite artist is Superchick. Kinda punk rock, fast, and the lead singer jams about overcoming hurdles. My favorite new song is by Asher Roth 'Be By Myself'. Good beats. What makes good running music for me is if I can hear my feet hit the pavement in the song or if I can hear my heart race to it excluding what the song's actually about. My favorite song with great positive message to run to is Miley Cyrus The Climb. She sings the message I need to start living by, "There's always going to be uphill battle sometimes I'm going to have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's on the other side. It's the Climb." A few other Artists who will be joining me for my first race tomorrow are Coldplay, JLo, Depeche Mode, Wale, Pitbull, Killers, The Veronicas, LMFAO, Melisa Etheridge, BEP, Hot Chelle Rae, Morningwood, Ke$ha, John Mayer, Orianthi, and etc.

My bag's packed with towel, change of clothes, fruit and nut bar, Gatorade, water, hat, a light long sleeve shirt to wear and possibly take off, Endurance, and MOTIVATION! Now to just get some sleep tonight.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Andersen started soccer this past weekend. The last time he was in soccer was in the fall and the class took place during the day while Ron was working. Saturday morning Andersen was quite anxious and excited about Ron attending his soccer practice. The morning of while Ron slept in a little Andersen was questioning whether he was home and going to be able to come watch him play soccer. It made his day when Ron came down for breakfast. The difference between his soccer class in the fall and the Y soccer is he gets a soccer shirt and we bought shin guards and cleats. I let him pick out a pair of soccer shorts to start the season off with. Of course his favorite color at this time is Red so that was the color shorts he picked. The first thing that popped in my head when he picked out red shorts was what if the team shirts are green. He'll look like he's ready for christmas than thought the chances of that happening are slim to none. I didn't try to change his mind or talk him out of it b/c it's something for him to be excited about.

Saturday morning was much colder than we had anticipated. With trying to pack things to keep Jasper and Carter entertained, warm, and occupied with I totally forgot the camara. We walked the twins over to the field and Andersen met his coach and was handed a green shirt. I chuckled to myself. Ron ran around during practice with Andersen and they practiced kicking and doing drills. I sat with the twins on the sidelines feeding them snacks and trying to keep them as warm as possible. It wasn't all that cold in the sun though the wind made it really chilly. They ate their snack for some time and watched Andersen practice. After awhile I walked the twins over to the park and we ran around.

Andersen had a blast and was very enthusiastic about soccer. I think it was due to Daddy playing soccer with him. When we left Ron promised to take Andersen out and pick out a soccer ball so we did and upon returning home Andersen was still very stoked about soccer he wanted to skip lunch and practice more with Daddy. We decided against it since it was our spring cleaning day and later took the boys to a park with a field to let them run and kick their new soccer balls. Overall a great day and start to the soccer season!

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Boy Heavy"

Since switching Andersen to a new school I have found him to be much more talkative and engaging in conversation with me. It seems the witty, goofy, 1000 questions Andersen is back. He seems more pleasant, content, and outgoing. When he comes home from school he seems to really enjoy talking about school unlike before he would say, "I don't want to talk about it", or become aggravated with my questions about school and would growl, "I don't remember" or "I'm done with it already."

With this positive turn around in personality and very much looking forward to the next year in pre-k at his old school, which Andersen knows, understands, and is fine with. I found out one of the kids who according to his old teacher 'had a negative affect' on Andersen will be attending pre-k next year. Part of me is terrified for Andersen. How do I take him out of a negative situation and then put him back in a class with one of the personalities that had a negative affect on him? I do have full confidence in next year's teacher, who was his teacher the year before, that she will keep full control of the class. She's a very straight forward teacher, something I found lacked this year. I felt we, as parents, were given the run around with excuse after excuse ignoring behaviors and issues that were happening in the class.

I find I dislike when people make excuses for problems in the class. It's "Boy heavy." I would have somewhat agreed with that previously to changing schools though Andersen's new class has seven boys and four girls. How come one teacher can keep the "boy heavy" class in check but at his old school the "boy heavy" class ran by two teachers there's such a lack of control? Believe me, I understand "boy heavy". It's chaos if there's no control. Boys will push each other and the boundaries to the limits and it can be crazy. At home there can be a lot of chaos.

Overall, this shouldn't be happening in preschool. Preschool's suppose to be fun and engaging for the three and four year olds. If a child feels as if the teacher's not going to do anything, as Andersen has told me when I said go tell the teacher, than there's a lack of safety and trust in the teacher(s.
Really hoping for a better year next year.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Carter Poot!

Today Carter told me when he needed to poop. The way he says poop, "poot! poot!" I can't help laughing when I hear him say it b/c he sounds like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. "poot, poot!"

It was after naps and I was going to change his diaper when he farted and realized I better leave it on so I don't waste a fresh diaper. A couple minutes later he looks at me and grabs his butt and says, "Poot Mama! Poot!" I asked if he already pooped. "No Poot! Poot Mama!" So I put him on the toilet seat and he pooped. I clapped, smiled, told him great job, and gave him a sticker. He smiled and laughed and even Andersen said, "Let me see Carter! Great Job!" as he looked at Carter's "Poot" in the toilet. This really upset Jasper. He came in the bathroom screaming and crying, "I poop popta too!" (I poop in the potty too) I put Jasper on and he couldn't which upset him even more. I told him it's ok if he doesn't have to go we can try later. "No! I poop too!" We waited a couple of minutes and the longer we waited the more angry and the louder he cried. After consoling and leaving him to his fit I finally pulled him off the toilet and faught to put his diaper and jeans back on him. He screamed and cried b/c he wanted to poop in the potty as Carter had.

The one thing I've learned about Jasper the past few months is he is very competitive. He wants to be first, he wants to win, and he really gets upset when he doesn't. If we're at the park Jasper will bypass any child, big or small, just to be first and he gets by the other child very smoothly (without knocking him or her down) and very quickly. Carter on the other hand could care less about winning or being first.. He's content with just being where he is and just having fun.

I was very proud of Carter and his first time seriously letting me know before he poops b/c lately it's been after he's already pooped. Lately he's been asking to be put on the potty. He hasn't been going in the potty but it's the initiative. I'm not pushing potty training just yet and god help if Carter starts using the potty before Jasper. Great Job Carter!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jasper and Carter's first separation

Carter spent a night over the weekend. His first time alone without his brothers and Jasper's first night of separation from Carter. Surprisingly both did very well and while leaving Grandma's without Carter, Jasper was saying, "Bye Gramma! Bye Carker!" I thought the evening would be easy with just two and especially with Andersen being the big brother going out for dinner would be a piece of cake. I was wrong. Andersen was fidgety and wouldn't listen. Ron and I just kept glancing at each other wanting to walk out. Ron was gone all day at drill and was drained and I was with the boys all day and the drive home was exhausting. Jasper was excellent. He ate everything on his plate, sat still, and listened. The evening ended in putting Andersen to bed when we arrived home and Jasper stayed up and played games with Ron and I.

Upon picking Carter up the next day my Mom looked exhausted. Carter went down fairly early the night before but was up around 4 something in the morning saying he was ready to go home. Thankfully Carter slept the whole way home since we did have a birthday party to attend when we arrived home.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Troubled Twins

I ran this morning despite the signs my body's giving me. I was just really motivated as I walked into the gym at the Y. I first went for the cross ramp with book in hand but they were all taken. I glanced at all the ellipticals, bikes, and whatever cardio machine I can get on and read my book. Nothing was open, even the treadmills were pretty much all taken except for one and I could hear it whispering, "Come run on me! You know you want to!" and so I told myself, just a little run, it won't hurt. I ran 5.7 miles at an 8:00 minute mile pace and then my right knee screamed at me to stop. So I stopped and walked about a quarter to a half mile as I chatted with a mom whose boy goes to Andersen's new school. Once conversation ended I figured I'd get in one more good mile before I call it quits. Stupid? I guess you could say so but I didn't quite reach my endorphin burst. So I ran another mile at a 7:20 minute mile pace. Afterwards I weight trained and went and checked my weight since it's been awhile. I finally lost 20 lbs which was surprising since I stopped being so strict on my diet about a month ago.

I had a few minutes til I had to pick Jasper and Carter up and ran into a friend. We chatted for about 10 minutes. I kept glancing at the clock and knew I was going to be a little late. Upon walking into the Kids' Room I was met by one of the ladies who work in the room. I noticed Jasper and Carter both had their jackets on and were ready to go. At first I thought they might have dawned their gear to go but after what this girl told me I thought maybe the ladies who worked the room were ready for them to leave. The lady who approached me was casually friendly but a little upset. "I just want to let you know the boys escaped three times and made it to the end of the hallway before we noticed they were gone so I'm sorry to inform you of it but also you're 10 minutes late picking them up. Your drop off time was five after nine and you were suppose to be here at five after eleven." I was a little astonished she approached me about it since the room was close to empty but I knew I was a little late. I responded with, "sorry and it won't happen again." She nodded at me and walked off.

When I buckled Jasper and Carter in the car I asked them if they ran out of the play room? "yeah, I did!" they both said giggling. It was obvious they thought it was a game. I then told them that's NOT good and they are NEVER to leave that room without ME! I'm hard on the boys when they mess up mainly because they work in sync as a team when they're up to no good. Even though I was telling them their behavior was completely unacceptable I couldn't help laugh inside. I'm not one of those parents who laugh and chuck it to the side "boys will be boys" when my kids mess up or are out of line but I could just visualize it in my mind one or maybe two girls chasing them as I do everyday trying to get control of them and the situation. The panic of having one and one's missing. I could hear their pattering shoes and both of them laughing and giggling as these girl(s) are chasing them down the hall.

Overall I don't know if they were upset with me for being 10 minutes late or if the boys really gave them a run for their money and they just wanted them gone from the room. Good times raising a set of twin boys.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The ever changing plans

Ran a nice little 10 mile run this morning. Cool weather in the 50s and a little drizzle to keep us cool while running. There was a last minute route change so it was only a 10 mile vs. a 10.6. Second time I've ran 10 miles outside and was contemplating doing an extra 2 mile stretch with the group. Figured against it since it's only my second time running outside but will probably attempt it the next time in a couple of weeks. The weekend before the 24th.

Plans have changed. Ron didn't have drill this weekend, it's next weekend and his work travel has been kicked off his schedule for next week. He will be home the weekend of the 24th! Yay, that means I should probably get one more weekend to run an outside 10 miler. I did sign up for the race since Ron won't be travelling that weekend and am very excited. It'll be my first race ever. Next one will be a little 6.2 mile in August. Was asked to do the running part of a triathlon so very excited to be apart of it! Was informed of the LZ half marathon in September. Will definitely keep that one in hindsight and on my calender. We'll see how training goes over the summer.

Last night my cousin had his first baby boy which I am very excited to go visit and see little Ryan for the first time today. The anticipation for Ryan to be here has been great and even my eldest Andersen's been excited to have little Ryan here since he's been asking me to have another one. My response: "You'll have to take that one up with Dad!" This morning I was informing Andersen that we're going to go see baby Ryan later today b/c Aunt Kelly and Uncle Andy welcomed him into the world last night. He turns to me and says, "When is it going to be your turn Mom?" I asked, My turn for what? "To have another baby brother?" I simply said, go talk to Daddy about that one. We've sat down and spoken to Andersen about having more babies so don't think I'm insensitively telling my 4 yr old something he doesn't somewhat understand.

Great day and look forward to watching the boys find their Easter Baskets tomorrow morning and eating their chocolate throughout the week...like I haven't already started! =P Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Short sleeves

I went with short sleeves this morning. The simplist decisions can really boggle me. If that's the toughest decision than life is good! It was a great 5.7 mile run and I'm motivated to go for another this afternoon. I have a 10.6 mile run tomorrow to attend so I don't want to over do it and kill myself nor my knees by morning. It's cool and beautiful outside which is just perfect for a run. Hopefully there will be no rain in the morning.

The toughest decision of my day

Have been very busy lately hence the lack of blogging. I was really trying to finish one book to start the one for my book club which was unsuccessful. Couldn't find the motivation to finish it and it's a book that's been put on hold at the library so I couldn't recheck it out and after it expired by a week I finally decided I can finish it later and turned it back in.. Now I'm on the quest to finish my new book for book club in about two weeks. Reading, like running, is a love/hate relationship. I love it b/c I do enjoy getting into a good book and reading but I hate trying to find the time to do so. I love the feeling and high I get from a run but I really hate the start of a run.

Going running with a friend this morning. It's a cool 61 which is excellent for running. My face and arms are a little burnt from being outside yesterday and I'm facing, which will be the toughest decision of my day, should I wear short sleeves or long sleeves when I go running in less than twenty minutes. Will I be too cold when I finish and am sweating or be too cold while I'm running due to my slight burn? One would think being a mom of three and the every day obstacles and challenges I tackle each day this decision would be the easier but since I awoke an hour ago I've been trying to figure it out. In the overall scheme of it I will over pack, bringing more than what I need and figuring it out when I get there.