Carter spent a night over the weekend. His first time alone without his brothers and Jasper's first night of separation from Carter. Surprisingly both did very well and while leaving Grandma's without Carter, Jasper was saying, "Bye Gramma! Bye Carker!" I thought the evening would be easy with just two and especially with Andersen being the big brother going out for dinner would be a piece of cake. I was wrong. Andersen was fidgety and wouldn't listen. Ron and I just kept glancing at each other wanting to walk out. Ron was gone all day at drill and was drained and I was with the boys all day and the drive home was exhausting. Jasper was excellent. He ate everything on his plate, sat still, and listened. The evening ended in putting Andersen to bed when we arrived home and Jasper stayed up and played games with Ron and I.
Upon picking Carter up the next day my Mom looked exhausted. Carter went down fairly early the night before but was up around 4 something in the morning saying he was ready to go home. Thankfully Carter slept the whole way home since we did have a birthday party to attend when we arrived home.
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22 hours ago
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