Excited! Excited! Excited! And yet deep down nervous! Nervous! Nervous! My emotions can't figure out what to feel. It's not the 10 miles that make me nervous. 10 miles no sweat for me...but cold, rain, knee, not sure how much I can carry with me i.e. ipod etc., and the total unexpected that makes me nervous!
The Lake Front 10 mile run. What better race can one sign up for especially for a first race? Beautiful downtown Chicago, lake front, flat land, hundreds of people and the best part it's in the spring. Not too hot nor too cold....well that's what I thought. Rain, thunderstorms, 50 degree weather. So I loaded my Ipod with lots of new music. I'll be running with a group of friends but I just want to have a fall back safety of music for a burst of energy. And for those people who ask how can I run on a treadmill for 5-10 miles, it's simply music. As long as my Ipod's loaded with good new music I can run forever.
My new favorite artist is Superchick. Kinda punk rock, fast, and the lead singer jams about overcoming hurdles. My favorite new song is by Asher Roth 'Be By Myself'. Good beats. What makes good running music for me is if I can hear my feet hit the pavement in the song or if I can hear my heart race to it excluding what the song's actually about. My favorite song with great positive message to run to is Miley Cyrus The Climb. She sings the message I need to start living by, "There's always going to be uphill battle sometimes I'm going to have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's on the other side. It's the Climb." A few other Artists who will be joining me for my first race tomorrow are Coldplay, JLo, Depeche Mode, Wale, Pitbull, Killers, The Veronicas, LMFAO, Melisa Etheridge, BEP, Hot Chelle Rae, Morningwood, Ke$ha, John Mayer, Orianthi, and etc.
My bag's packed with towel, change of clothes, fruit and nut bar, Gatorade, water, hat, a light long sleeve shirt to wear and possibly take off, Endurance, and MOTIVATION! Now to just get some sleep tonight.
Back to the trails
21 hours ago
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