Today Carter told me when he needed to poop. The way he says poop, "poot! poot!" I can't help laughing when I hear him say it b/c he sounds like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. "poot, poot!"
It was after naps and I was going to change his diaper when he farted and realized I better leave it on so I don't waste a fresh diaper. A couple minutes later he looks at me and grabs his butt and says, "Poot Mama! Poot!" I asked if he already pooped. "No Poot! Poot Mama!" So I put him on the toilet seat and he pooped. I clapped, smiled, told him great job, and gave him a sticker. He smiled and laughed and even Andersen said, "Let me see Carter! Great Job!" as he looked at Carter's "Poot" in the toilet. This really upset Jasper. He came in the bathroom screaming and crying, "I poop popta too!" (I poop in the potty too) I put Jasper on and he couldn't which upset him even more. I told him it's ok if he doesn't have to go we can try later. "No! I poop too!" We waited a couple of minutes and the longer we waited the more angry and the louder he cried. After consoling and leaving him to his fit I finally pulled him off the toilet and faught to put his diaper and jeans back on him. He screamed and cried b/c he wanted to poop in the potty as Carter had.
The one thing I've learned about Jasper the past few months is he is very competitive. He wants to be first, he wants to win, and he really gets upset when he doesn't. If we're at the park Jasper will bypass any child, big or small, just to be first and he gets by the other child very smoothly (without knocking him or her down) and very quickly. Carter on the other hand could care less about winning or being first.. He's content with just being where he is and just having fun.
I was very proud of Carter and his first time seriously letting me know before he poops b/c lately it's been after he's already pooped. Lately he's been asking to be put on the potty. He hasn't been going in the potty but it's the initiative. I'm not pushing potty training just yet and god help if Carter starts using the potty before Jasper. Great Job Carter!
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22 hours ago
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