I ran this morning despite the signs my body's giving me. I was just really motivated as I walked into the gym at the Y. I first went for the cross ramp with book in hand but they were all taken. I glanced at all the ellipticals, bikes, and whatever cardio machine I can get on and read my book. Nothing was open, even the treadmills were pretty much all taken except for one and I could hear it whispering, "Come run on me! You know you want to!" and so I told myself, just a little run, it won't hurt. I ran 5.7 miles at an 8:00 minute mile pace and then my right knee screamed at me to stop. So I stopped and walked about a quarter to a half mile as I chatted with a mom whose boy goes to Andersen's new school. Once conversation ended I figured I'd get in one more good mile before I call it quits. Stupid? I guess you could say so but I didn't quite reach my endorphin burst. So I ran another mile at a 7:20 minute mile pace. Afterwards I weight trained and went and checked my weight since it's been awhile. I finally lost 20 lbs which was surprising since I stopped being so strict on my diet about a month ago.
I had a few minutes til I had to pick Jasper and Carter up and ran into a friend. We chatted for about 10 minutes. I kept glancing at the clock and knew I was going to be a little late. Upon walking into the Kids' Room I was met by one of the ladies who work in the room. I noticed Jasper and Carter both had their jackets on and were ready to go. At first I thought they might have dawned their gear to go but after what this girl told me I thought maybe the ladies who worked the room were ready for them to leave. The lady who approached me was casually friendly but a little upset. "I just want to let you know the boys escaped three times and made it to the end of the hallway before we noticed they were gone so I'm sorry to inform you of it but also you're 10 minutes late picking them up. Your drop off time was five after nine and you were suppose to be here at five after eleven." I was a little astonished she approached me about it since the room was close to empty but I knew I was a little late. I responded with, "sorry and it won't happen again." She nodded at me and walked off.
When I buckled Jasper and Carter in the car I asked them if they ran out of the play room? "yeah, I did!" they both said giggling. It was obvious they thought it was a game. I then told them that's NOT good and they are NEVER to leave that room without ME! I'm hard on the boys when they mess up mainly because they work in sync as a team when they're up to no good. Even though I was telling them their behavior was completely unacceptable I couldn't help laugh inside. I'm not one of those parents who laugh and chuck it to the side "boys will be boys" when my kids mess up or are out of line but I could just visualize it in my mind one or maybe two girls chasing them as I do everyday trying to get control of them and the situation. The panic of having one and one's missing. I could hear their pattering shoes and both of them laughing and giggling as these girl(s) are chasing them down the hall.
Overall I don't know if they were upset with me for being 10 minutes late or if the boys really gave them a run for their money and they just wanted them gone from the room. Good times raising a set of twin boys.
Back to the trails
21 hours ago
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