Since switching Andersen to a new school I have found him to be much more talkative and engaging in conversation with me. It seems the witty, goofy, 1000 questions Andersen is back. He seems more pleasant, content, and outgoing. When he comes home from school he seems to really enjoy talking about school unlike before he would say, "I don't want to talk about it", or become aggravated with my questions about school and would growl, "I don't remember" or "I'm done with it already."
With this positive turn around in personality and very much looking forward to the next year in pre-k at his old school, which Andersen knows, understands, and is fine with. I found out one of the kids who according to his old teacher 'had a negative affect' on Andersen will be attending pre-k next year. Part of me is terrified for Andersen. How do I take him out of a negative situation and then put him back in a class with one of the personalities that had a negative affect on him? I do have full confidence in next year's teacher, who was his teacher the year before, that she will keep full control of the class. She's a very straight forward teacher, something I found lacked this year. I felt we, as parents, were given the run around with excuse after excuse ignoring behaviors and issues that were happening in the class.
I find I dislike when people make excuses for problems in the class. It's "Boy heavy." I would have somewhat agreed with that previously to changing schools though Andersen's new class has seven boys and four girls. How come one teacher can keep the "boy heavy" class in check but at his old school the "boy heavy" class ran by two teachers there's such a lack of control? Believe me, I understand "boy heavy". It's chaos if there's no control. Boys will push each other and the boundaries to the limits and it can be crazy. At home there can be a lot of chaos.
Overall, this shouldn't be happening in preschool. Preschool's suppose to be fun and engaging for the three and four year olds. If a child feels as if the teacher's not going to do anything, as Andersen has told me when I said go tell the teacher, than there's a lack of safety and trust in the teacher(s.
Really hoping for a better year next year.
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22 hours ago
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