I have found each one of the boys have very different personalities and what they think is funny. Andersen is a goofy jokester, Jasper's a shy jokester, and Carter is....I don't know how to describe it b/c he will do something that makes Ron and I say what the hell? About two weeks ago we were at the park where that has a sand box and metal mechanical diggers for kids to sit on and dig in the sand. As I was watching the kids run around and chatting with a friend I noticed Carter over in the sand box. He was lying under one of the diggers. My initial reaction was to go get him when I realized he wasn't stuck by the way he was moving. I continued to chat and keep a close eye on him.
There was a couple of dads standing nearby and they had noticed Carter under the digger. Carter was saying, "Help me! Help me!" These dads began to walk over to Carter to help when Carter got out from under the digger and began running around laughing. The dads laughed when they realized Carter was goofing around.
Carter below saying "Help me! Help me!" while laughing.
Carter will do this at playgrounds or even at home where he'll trap himself in a laundry basket and say "Help me! Help me!" Last night after our movie night Carter picks Ron's foot up and takes an exaggerated smell. He began shaking his head and saying "whoa!" as he fell backwards as if he were passing out and laughing at the same time. Carter has this strange and off the wall sense of humor that always keeps us on our feet and laughing.
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21 hours ago
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