Today was Andersen's first soccer game. We signed him up to play soccer at the Y this year. The last couple of Saturdays were practices and today he played his first game. In the first game he played goalie but the ball never made it down to his end of the field. On that note Andersen pretended he was an airplane flying out of the net around and back in. The next two games he ran.
Within the first few minutes of the second game he had fallen. I thought he was ok at first but he took it a little too personally as he sat in the middle of the field. His feelings were hurt when he was accidentally knocked down. I thought it was going to be the end of soccer for the day for Andersen b/c he was shedding tears and didn't want to play anymore. I explained it was an accident, went over the object of the game, something Ron and I have been pep-talking him up all week for, and sent him back out. So he moped on the field with his head down. I pulled him aside again and chatted with him about brushing it off and moving on and told him to GO GET THAT BALL! After some motivational talk he was back in the game. He did fall again when he tripped over another kid's foot but jumped up and kept going. My pep talk did work b/c him and another boy kept at that ball leaving our field and into the next field where another game took place. Once the ref brought the boys back to our field Andersen said he was really tired had lost interest in soccer for a bit.
Andersen taking a breather and needing a pep talk to get him out there running again.
After the game and snack with friend and teammate Kylie!
Ended up not raining for the game, the field was hardly wet from last nights down pour, and was an excellent experience for all of us. Andersen seemed to enjoy it and the twins didn't pay any attention to it. I tried to video tape as much as possible since Ron missed his first game due to having drill this weekend.
Back to the trails
22 hours ago
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