Just realized how long it's been since I've last posted. This past week was pretty crazy and went by too fast! The boys are all doing great, though had a mishap with Carter who was playing on the computer chair with Andersen.Carter had fallen out of the computer chair while Andersen was turning him around. I nor Ron saw him fall out but he had hurt his foot/ankle Monday evening. We went to the doctor Tuesday and even had x-rays done which came back negative. Carter wouldn't walk for a couple of days which seemed to get better by Wednsday afternoon. He still walks with a little limp which makes me believe he had sprained it.
Andersen did awesome at his soccer game on Saturday! On the 15th of May he didn't want to play and spent time hanging on the goalie and climbing the nearby fence. Mud was a big attraction last weekend for him as well. He played in it and showed off for his aunt who kept laughing at every thing he did. This Saturday was a focused, determined, ball kicking, scoring, ball stopping goalie. I don't know where his motivation came from since this was completely out of character for him or he and soccer finally clicked.
This weekend was great. We had a new babysitter watch the kids in which two hours before her arrival Andersen couldn't wait for her to come and us to leave. On Friday he continued to tell me all the things he was going to tell the babysitter that he was allowed to do which was completely against our household rules. I did tell him don't worry I will tell her our rules. "No!" he would say. "I'm going to tell her MY RULES!" I would just chuckle. Two hours before our double date night with our neighbors Andersen had propped up a chair at the window to wait for the babysitter. He asked over and over again when she would arrive in which I would inform him not for two hours or so. He then bugged me to call her and tell her to come right away. I've never seen him so excited about us leaving. When she did arrive he chatted non stop and showed her everything from his toothbrush to the shirt he had planned on wearing to bed.
The date was a success! We went for dinner and then out to see Robin Hood. Didn't realize it was a nearly a two and half hour movie which carried us past ten in the evening. The following morning I was going with the group for a morning run and while leaving out the door at 6:15am Carter had made his way downstairs asking for Rachel "the babysitter". He went to the front door trying to open it saying "chel-chel" (Rachel) while he burst into tears. I woke Ron up to come downstairs to take care of him and I was out the door.
Sunday run was a long and painful success. 10.6 miles done. I was exhausted due to two late nights in a row. Though was proud of my miles for the week. A nice little 39.6 miles for the week. Upon returning home from the run I was quite surprised to see Ron and the boys gone. It was already eighty degrees outside and only 9:20 am. Met the boys at the park for a couple of hours, out for lunch, and home for a nap. I put myself to bed for a couple of hours as well. The afternoon brought us beautiful though a hot 93 degrees out. The boys were hot and we spent about an hour at the park running around. The evening ended with meeting our new neighbors while grilling out and enjoying a couple of Coronas while the boys played outside. Baths and an early bed time completed the evening.
Yesterday was so hot that the boys didn't want to be outside. We ate lunch and at the park after picking Andersen up from school. It was too hot so we stayed there for about a half hour. After naps we played out in our front yard with the sprinkler which cooled the boys off and they still had some outside time. Jasper does not like to be splashed or sprayed with water. He remained with me instead of jumping through the sprinkler. He really disliked it when one of his brothers would spray him with the sprinkler. They enjoyed their snack and a Popsicle outside.
This morning I started my Tuesday off with a Tuesday thirteen mile run. It's the longest run I've ever done and it felt great! Needless to say I'm ready for the half Marathon on the 13th of June. Another busy Tuesday as usual have lots going on this morning and probably going to end the day with a nice afternoon at the park.
Back to the trails
22 hours ago
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